Has anyone heard of Rachael Ray Show?
Well if you have and are a fan of the show be sure to check out her new season, Serkan and I, with our team have (finally) completed the large wall garden application for her studio.
Rachael and her executive producer had the final say on the wall garden design, naturally, and we are proud to say they are thrilled with the final look. After doing a few test shots on different areas of the wall we were able to narrow down what plant types were going to read well on camera.
The link above will take you to a video on Rachael's site that shares a little bit of our experience on set!
If you have been following along over the past few months you know we have spent a good amount of time on set. Rachel's team is truly wonderful to work with! Having visited CBS Studio more than a handful of times at this point, we get a lot of ‘welcome back’ greetings when we show up on-site now. Everyone is so positive and helpful!
We cannot always say this about big clients we work with (so we say nothing at all). When we have the opportunity to work with other happy caring and understanding human beings its such a lovely reminder of why we do what we do. We get to bring this amazing product into a space and create a visual that 99% of the time stops people in their tracks. Its hard to have an upset client with a product like this, but believe me it happens. Maybe I will share some horror stories another day.
We have a few other really cool projects coming up that we cannot wait to share. Some of the big ones are the LG North American HQ office, The United States DOD office, The USDA office, three restaurants and a huge trade show coming up as well!
These projects are so much fun for us. For me half of the excitement and watching Serkan work on these creations. He is methodical and something truly beautiful to watch.
After a few years wit him now I can support on a job site much more than I use to. These walls are not easy to design and I can get pretty frustrated when I am not able to attach an element the way he instructed. He is always right there ready to help, always calm and gentle. I am pretty sure I can make more work for him at times but hey, this is a labor of love after all, am I right?